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Meaning of Feng Shui
Originating in China for at least 3,000 years, the art of Feng Shui literally means "wind and water." This art studies the influence of space on our well-being and how the places where we live and work reflect in the way we feel.

Its foundations are rooted in Eastern cosmology and the unique principle of the two antagonistic forces of heaven and earth: yin and yang. Through the knowledge of how ki energy flows through the surrounding space, we can analyze excesses and stagnations of this same vital energy and its interaction with the energetic field of human beings. After the necessary corrections have been made, it is possible to solve or improve emotional, financial, professional and health problems. The mere fact of changing the color of a wall, rearranging the layout of the furniture or placing natural plants in a certain position, can substantially improve the energy condition of our home and, consequently, of ourselves.

In modern Western society, Feng Shui is fast becoming a valid alternative for an increasing number of people, given the real changes it makes in their lives. Practical applications in the areas of interior / exterior design, architecture, garden design and urban design are increasingly sought by both individuals and businesses. Therapists, architects, engineers and designers will also be able to obtain a professional valuation that is more and more requested to solve problems of their daily life.

There are presently two forms of Feng Shui. The Classic, traditional Feng Shui and Contemporary Feng Shui created in the last 30 years from the fusion with other cultures.
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